Mia Colucci interpretada por: Anahí Puente

Mía Colucci is the most popular and most beautiful girl at Elite Way School. With a naturally stunning beauty, every girl wants be her and every guy wants to date her. Mia is one of the members of RBD, along with her friends Lupita, Roberta, Diego, Giovanni and her boyfriend Miguel. Mía writes most of the songs for the band. She also loves fashion and acts as a stylist to her friend. Mía is somewhat self-centered, though she is also a loyal friend and manages to always be there for her friends when they need help. Her two best friends are Victoria (Vico) and Celina.
When Mía and Miguel start dating, Mía begins battling her insecurities about sleeping with Miguel. Whenever the opportunity arises, she feels unsure and scared that she may not please him. When Mía first sees Miguel, she falls in love right away, but does not say anything because he begins dating her friend Celina. Mía does not know that Miguel actually enrolled at Elite Way School because he wants to get revenge on Mía and her father, Franco Colucci, who Miguel believes killed his father. In season one, Mía and Miguel constantly argue even though she actually has strong feelings for him. Mía also has a brief relationship with Gastón, who works at the school. Gastón knows that Mía loves Miguel, so he does everything he can to turn them against each other. Mia eventually finds out about Miguel's secret plan to seek revenge and is heartbroken. It is later revealed that Miguel's father actually was killed by Mía's uncle (Carlo). Miguel cries and apologizes to Mía and her father. Everything is resolved before the season finale and the pair spends the summer together in Monterrey.
The second season their relationship is more unified then ever, with only a few bumpy roads. The couple takes a romantic trip to Cancun, and get closer than ever while stranded on an island. In season three, Sabrina the daughter of the band’s producer has a crush on Miguel and that makes Mía jealous. Miguel and Mía break up because Sabrina told everyone that she slept with Miguel, even though it's not true. Miguel was drunk and fell asleep, but Sabrina made him believe that they slept together. Mía is crushed and goes into a deep depression. While this is happening, she and Roberta become friends because Roberta is also going through a bad situation.
Miguel then ends up in a coma. While he is in a coma, Mía learns the truth about Sabrina and Miguel. She is extremely upset about Sabrina's lie and starts to hate herself for treating Miguel so horribly. She visits Miguel in the hospital every day. One day when Mia is at the hospital seeing Miguel, he finally wakes up, though he does not remember her. He tells her he thinks he remembers his girlfriend, but says Sabrina by mistake. Mía again falls into a depression. Eventually Miguel regains his memory and remembers all the moments he shared with Mía, during a concert while Mía sings. At the end of the 3rd season Miguel gives Mía engagement ring, promising that they will be together forever.

El epítome de la rica niñita de papá. Es la única hija del multimillonario empresario de la moda Franco Colucci; su padre siempre ha satisfecho sus caprichos y la ha amado como sólo sabe hacerlo un buen padre, pero debido a sus negocios no ha podido dedicarle todo el tiempo necesario. Ante las ausencias de su padre y la falta absoluta de su madre (supuestamente muerta cuando Mía era apenas un bebé) la chica crece con grandes carencias afectivas y deseando tener una verdadera familia; además, el misterio que rodea a su difunta madre (su padre se niega a hablar de ella y ni siquiera le deja ver sus fotos) se convierte en un grave problema para Mía (obsesionada con saber la verdad). Mía es malcriada, egocentrica, frívola y un poco infantil; sólo le importa la moda y las apariencias. Sin embargo es muy dulce, honesta, buena amiga y tiene un gran corazón, es una excelente amiga que protege a sus dos inseparables compañeras; a pesar de que una de ellas es una gorda, (Celina Ferrer ) y la otra es (Vico Paz) una niña de clase media-alta que en comparacion a su amiga se considera muy pobre. Pero la personalidad superficial de Mía cambia cuando conoce a Miguel Arango ; aunque entre ellos surge un amor a primera vista, los dos se empeñan en negarlo por diferentes razones. Pronto se convierten en "enemigos" y se la pasan peleando como perros y gatos; pero en el fondo se aman. La relación de amor y odio entre Mía y Miguel (que es junto con la de Diego y Roberta los dos romances más importantes de la serie) tendrá que superar muchos obstáculos a lo largo de la historia. La canción "Sálvame" de RBD es como el himno oficial del romance de Mía y Miguel. Otra cosa destacable de Mía es la guerra que existe entre ella y Roberta Pardo al pincipio de la historia; aunque esta rivalidad terminará convirtiéndose en una buena amistad mucho más adelante.


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